how many fake handbags do you have? i got a few and yet my collection i believe will be grew more and more since the genuine handbag is extremely expensive.
i love this brand. it came from paris... and most of my friends and family who lives here have them.. but really 1 wallet can feed you 2 people in Tetsuya no matching wine with a bottle of wine, valet parking and $50.00 tips... guess what??? still got $30.00 left... is that ridiculeus???
for a wallet??
how much will you pay for a walletn or a purse?? really??? for me the max is $200.00 and i have been thinking for it for a while.. and i rarely use it...
i can understand for some ppl they might earning comfortable salary but it just hard to some other ppl. some other people are struggling to even provide food in the table.
i honestly tempted few times to buy genuine handbag (without my parent know it of course), but for some reason i tame that tempted to buy something else..
as far as i understand most of us are followers (including me). we would like to follow.. or more likely to be part of something. sometimes to be part of something need to have alot of sacrifice in this case.. money.. but there are other alternative without feel left out too.. let say fake stuff.. or even better to be yourself and be happy about who you are and what you got..
you do not need any genuine purse.. what is purse do to you?? give you statisfaction? give you sense that you are part of something?
just think abt it before you buy..
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